Source code for mushroom_rl_benchmark.core.experiment

import os
import time
os.environ['PYGAME_HIDE_SUPPORT_PROMPT'] = "hide"
import pkgutil
import subprocess

from tqdm import trange
import multiprocessing
from joblib import delayed

from mushroom_rl_benchmark.utils import extract_arguments
from mushroom_rl_benchmark.experiment import exec_run
from mushroom_rl_benchmark.experiment.slurm import create_slurm_script, generate_slurm, make_arguments
from mushroom_rl_benchmark.core.visualizer import BenchmarkVisualizer
from mushroom_rl_benchmark.utils.tqdm_parallel import TqdmParallel

[docs] class BenchmarkExperiment: """ Class to create and run an experiment using MushroomRL """
[docs] def __init__(self, agent_builder, env_builder, logger): """ Constructor. Args: agent_builder (AgentBuilder): instance of a specific agent builder; env_builder (EnvironmentBuilder): instance of an environment builder; logger (BenchmarkLogger): instance of a benchmark logger. """ self.agent_builder = agent_builder self.env_builder = env_builder self.logger = logger self.start_time = 0 self.stop_time = 0 self.J = list() self.V = list() self.R = list() self.entropy = list() self.config = dict() self.stats = dict(best_J=float("-inf"))
[docs] def run(self, exec_type='sequential', **run_params): """ Execute the experiment. Args: exec_type (str, 'sequential'): type of executing the experiment [sequential|parallel|slurm]; **run_params: parameters for the selected execution type. """ executor_params = run_params[exec_type] if exec_type in run_params and run_params[exec_type] is not None \ else dict() try: run_fn = getattr(self, 'run_{}'.format(exec_type)) except AttributeError as e: self.logger.exception(e) raise ValueError("exec_type must be 'sequential', 'parallel' or 'slurm'")'Running BenchmarkExperiment {}'.format(exec_type)) run_fn(**executor_params, **run_params)
[docs] def run_sequential(self, n_runs, n_runs_completed=0, save_plot=True, **run_params): """ Execute the experiment sequential. Args: n_runs (int): number of total runs of the experiment; n_runs_completed (int, 0): number of completed runs of the experiment; save_plot (bool, True): select if a plot of the experiment should be saved to the log directory; **run_params: parameters for executing a benchmark run. """ self.start_timer() self.save_builders() self.set_and_save_config( agent_type=self.agent_builder.__class__.__name__, n_runs=n_runs, n_runs_completed=n_runs_completed, run_parallel=False, use_threading=False, **run_params) for run in trange(n_runs_completed, n_runs, leave=False): result = exec_run(self.agent_builder, self.env_builder, seed=run, quiet=False, **run_params) self.extend_and_save_J([result['J']]) self.extend_and_save_R([result['R']]) if self.agent_builder.compute_value_function: self.extend_and_save_V([result['V']]) if self.agent_builder.compute_policy_entropy: self.extend_and_save_entropy([result['E']]) new_score = result['score'] if new_score[0] > self.stats['best_J']: self.set_and_save_stats(best_J=new_score[0], best_R=new_score[1]) if self.agent_builder.compute_value_function: self.set_and_save_stats(best_V=new_score[2]) if self.agent_builder.compute_policy_entropy: self.set_and_save_stats(best_E=new_score[-1]) if 'agent' in result: new_agent = result['agent'] self.logger.save_best_agent(new_agent) self.set_and_save_config(n_runs_completed=(run+1)) self.stop_timer() if save_plot: self.save_plot()
[docs] def run_parallel(self, n_runs, n_runs_completed=0, threading=False, save_plot=True, max_concurrent_runs=None, **run_params): """ Execute the experiment in parallel threads. Args: n_runs (int): number of total runs of the experiment; n_runs_completed (int, 0): number of completed runs of the experiment; threading (bool, False): select to use threads instead of processes; save_plot (bool, True): select if a plot of the experiment should be saved to the log directory; max_concurrent_runs (int, -1): maximum number of concurrent runs. By default it uses the number of cores; **run_params: parameters for executing a benchmark run. """ self.start_timer() self.save_builders() used_cores = max_concurrent_runs if max_concurrent_runs > 0 else multiprocessing.cpu_count() used_cores = min(used_cores, n_runs)'Number of used cores: {}'.format(used_cores)) parallel_settings = dict() parallel_settings['n_jobs'] = max_concurrent_runs if threading: parallel_settings['prefer'] = 'threads' self.set_and_save_config( agent_type=self.agent_builder.__class__.__name__, n_runs_completed=n_runs_completed, n_runs=n_runs, max_concurrent_runs=max_concurrent_runs, use_threading=threading, run_parallel=True, **run_params )'Starting experiment ...') with TqdmParallel(**parallel_settings) as parallel: runs = parallel( (delayed(exec_run)(self.agent_builder.copy(), self.env_builder.copy(), seed=seed, **run_params) for seed in range(n_runs)), total=n_runs ) run_J = list() run_R = list() run_V = list() run_E = list() new_score = [float("-inf"), 0, 0, 0] # J, R, Q, E new_agent = None for run in runs: # Collect J, R, Q and E run_J.append(run['J']) run_R.append(run['R']) if self.agent_builder.compute_value_function: run_V.append(run['V']) if self.agent_builder.compute_policy_entropy: run_E.append(run['E']) # Check for best Agent (depends on J) if run['score'][0] > new_score[0]: new_score = run['score'] if 'agent' in run: new_agent = run['agent'] self.extend_and_save_J(run_J) self.extend_and_save_R(run_R) if self.agent_builder.compute_value_function: self.extend_and_save_V(run_V) if self.agent_builder.compute_policy_entropy: self.extend_and_save_entropy(run_E) if new_score[0] > self.stats['best_J']: self.set_and_save_stats(best_J=new_score[0], best_R=new_score[1]) if self.agent_builder.compute_value_function: self.set_and_save_stats(best_V=new_score[2]) if self.agent_builder.compute_policy_entropy: self.set_and_save_stats(best_E=new_score[-1]) if new_agent is not None: self.logger.save_best_agent(new_agent) self.stop_timer()'Finished experiment.') if save_plot: self.save_plot()
[docs] def run_slurm(self, n_runs, n_runs_completed=0, aggregation_job=True, aggregate_hours=0, aggregate_minutes=20, aggregate_seconds=0, only_print=False, **run_params): """ Execute the experiment with SLURM. Args: n_runs (int): number of total runs of the experiment; n_runs_completed (int, 0): number of completed runs of the experiment; aggregation_job (bool, True): select if an aggregation job should be scheduled; aggregate_hours (int, 3): maximum number of hours for the aggregation job; aggregate_minutes (int, 0): maximum number of minutes for the aggregation job; aggregate_seconds (int, 0): maximum number of seconds for the aggregation job; only_print (bool, False): if True, don't launch the benchmarks, only print the submitted commands to the terminal; **run_params: parameters for executing a benchmark run. """ exec_params = extract_arguments(run_params, exec_run) slurm_params = extract_arguments(run_params, create_slurm_script) slurm_params.update(extract_arguments(run_params, generate_slurm)) # Create SLURM Script for experiment runs log_dir = str(self.logger.get_path().absolute()) log_id = self.logger.get_log_id() python_file = pkgutil.get_loader("mushroom_rl_benchmark.experiment.slurm.run_script").path script_path = create_slurm_script( slurm_path=log_dir, slurm_script_name='', exp_name=log_id, exp_dir_slurm=log_dir, n_exp=n_runs, python_file=python_file, **slurm_params) # Create SLURM Script for experiment aggregation python_file_aggregate = pkgutil.get_loader("mushroom_rl_benchmark.experiment.slurm.aggregate_results").path script_path_aggregate = create_slurm_script( slurm_path=log_dir, slurm_script_name='', exp_name='{}_aggregate'.format(log_id), exp_dir_slurm=log_dir, python_file=str(python_file_aggregate), hours=aggregate_hours, minutes=aggregate_minutes, seconds=aggregate_seconds, partition=None if 'partition' not in slurm_params else slurm_params['partition'], project_name=None if 'project_name' not in slurm_params else slurm_params['project_name'] ) # save builder and aggregate script to path self.save_builders() self.set_and_save_config( agent_type=self.agent_builder.__class__.__name__, n_runs_completed=n_runs_completed, n_runs=n_runs, max_concurrent_runs=None, use_threading=False, run_parallel=False, run_slurm=True, **exec_params ) # submit job array with n_exp runs command_line_arguments = make_arguments( log_dir=log_dir, **exec_params ) command_line_arguments_aggregate = make_arguments( log_dir=self.logger.get_log_dir(), log_id=log_id ) command = "sbatch --parsable {} {}".format(script_path, command_line_arguments) if only_print: else: slurm_job_id = subprocess.getoutput(command).split(' ')[-1]'slurm_job_id: ' + slurm_job_id) if aggregation_job: command_aggregate = "sbatch --parsable --dependency=afterok:{} {} {}".format(slurm_job_id, script_path_aggregate, command_line_arguments_aggregate) slurm_job_id_aggregate = subprocess.getoutput(command_aggregate).split(' ')[-1]'slurm_job_id (aggregate): ' + slurm_job_id_aggregate) else:'No aggregation job scheduled.')
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset the internal state of the experiment. """ self.J = list() self.V = list() self.R = list() self.entropy = list()
[docs] def resume(self, logger): """ Resume an experiment from disk """ raise NotImplementedError('This method was not yet implemented.')
[docs] def start_timer(self): """ Start the timer. """ self.start_time = time.time()
[docs] def stop_timer(self): """ Stop the timer. """ self.stop_time = time.time() self.set_and_save_stats( execution_time_sec=(self.stop_time - self.start_time) )
[docs] def save_builders(self): """ Save agent and environment builder to the log directory. """ self.logger.save_agent_builder(self.agent_builder) self.logger.save_environment_builder(self.env_builder)
[docs] def extend_and_save_J(self, J): """ Extend J with another datapoint and save the current state to the log directory. """ self.J.extend(J) self.logger.save_J(self.J)
[docs] def extend_and_save_R(self, R): """ Extend R with another datapoint and save the current state to the log directory. """ self.R.extend(R) self.logger.save_R(self.R)
[docs] def extend_and_save_V(self, V): """ Extend V with another datapoint and save the current state to the log directory. """ self.V.extend(V) self.logger.save_V(self.V)
[docs] def extend_and_save_entropy(self, entropy): """ Extend entropy with another datapoint and save the current state to the log directory. """ self.entropy.extend(entropy) self.logger.save_entropy(self.entropy)
[docs] def set_and_save_config(self, **settings): """ Save the experiment configuration to the log directory. """ self.config.update(settings) self.logger.save_config(self.config)
[docs] def set_and_save_stats(self, **info): """ Save the run statistics to the log directory. """ self.stats.update(info) self.logger.save_stats(self.stats)
[docs] def save_plot(self): """ Save the result plot to the log directory. """ visualizer = BenchmarkVisualizer(self.logger) visualizer.save_report()
[docs] def show_plot(self): """ Display the result plot. """ visualizer = BenchmarkVisualizer(self.logger) visualizer.show_report()