MushroomRL Benchmark

Reinforcement Learning python library

MushroomRL Benchmark is a benchmarking tool for the Mushroom RL library. The focus of this benchmarking tool is to benchmark the results of deep reinforcement learning algorithms, in particular Deep Actor-Critic. The idea behind MushroomRL Benchmarking is to have a complete platform to run batch comparisons of Deep RL algorithms implemented in MushroomRL under a set of standard benchmark tasks.

With MushroomRL Benchmarking you can:

  • Run the benchmarks in a local machine, both sequentially and in parallel fashion

  • Run experiments on a SLURM-based cluster.

Download and installation

MushroomRL Benchmark can be downloaded from the GitHub repository. Installation can be done running

cd mushroom-rl-benchmark
pip install -e .[all]

To compile the documentation:

cd mushroom-rl-benchmark/docs
make html

or to compile the pdf version:

cd mushroom-rl-benchmark/docs
make latexpdf
