Source code for mushroom_rl_benchmark.core.logger

import os
import pickle
import yaml
from datetime import datetime

import torch
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path

from mushroom_rl.core import Serializable
from mushroom_rl.core.logger import ConsoleLogger

from mushroom_rl_benchmark.utils import dictionary_to_primitive

[docs] class BenchmarkLogger(ConsoleLogger): """ Class to handle all interactions with the log directory. """
[docs] def __init__(self, log_dir=None, log_id=None, use_timestamp=True): """ Constructor. Args: log_dir (str, None): path to the log directory, if not specified defaults to ./logs or to /work/scratch/$USER if the second directory exists; log_id (str, None): log id, if not specified defaults to: benchmark[_YY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS.zzz]); use_timestamp (bool, True): select if a timestamp should be appended to the log id. """ self._file_J = 'J.pkl' self._file_R = 'R.pkl' self._file_V = 'V.pkl' self._file_entropy = 'entropy.pkl' self._file_best_agent = 'best_agent.msh' self._file_last_agent = 'last_agent.msh' self._file_env_builder = 'environment_builder.pkl' self._file_agent_builder = 'agent_builder.pkl' self._file_config = 'config.yaml' self._file_stats = 'stats.yaml' self._log_dir = '' self._log_id = '' # Set and create log directories self.set_log_dir(log_dir) self.set_log_id(log_id, use_timestamp=use_timestamp) super().__init__(self._log_id, self.get_path(), log_file_name='console')
[docs] def set_log_dir(self, log_dir): """ Set the directory for logging. Args: log_dir (str): path of the directory. """ if log_dir is None: default_dir = Path('logs') scratch_dir = Path('/work', 'scratch', os.getenv('USER')) if scratch_dir.is_dir(): log_dir = scratch_dir / 'logs' else: log_dir = default_dir else: log_dir = Path(log_dir) if not log_dir.exists(): Path(log_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not log_dir.is_dir(): raise NotADirectoryError("Path to save builders is not valid") self._log_dir = log_dir
[docs] def get_log_dir(self): """ Returns: The path of the logging directory. """ return str(self._log_dir)
[docs] def set_log_id(self, log_id, use_timestamp=True): """ Set the id of the logged folder. Args: log_id (str): id of the logged folder; use_timestamp (bool, True): whether to use the timestamp or not. """ if log_id is None: log_id = 'benchmark' if use_timestamp: log_id += '_{}'.format('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')) path = self._log_dir / log_id if not path.exists(): Path(path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not path.is_dir(): raise NotADirectoryError("Path to save builders is not valid") self._log_id = log_id
[docs] def get_log_id(self): """ Returns: The id of the logged folder. """ return self._log_id
[docs] def get_path(self, filename=''): """ Get the path of the given file. If no filename is given, it returns the path of the logging folder. Args: filename (str, ''): the name of the file. Returns: The complete path of the logged file. """ return self._log_dir / self._log_id / filename
[docs] def get_params_path(self, filename=''): """ Get the path of the parameters of the given file. If no filename is given, it returns the path of the parameters folder. Args: filename (str, ''): the name of the file. Returns: The complete path of the logged file. """ params_dir = self._log_dir / self._log_id / 'params' if not params_dir.exists(): params_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return params_dir / filename
[docs] def get_figure_path(self, filename='', subfolder=None): """ Get the path of the figures of the given file. If no filename is given, it returns the path of the figures folder. Args: filename (str, ''): the name of the file; subfolder (None): the name of a subfolder to add. Returns: The complete path of the logged file. """ figure_dir = Path(self._log_dir) / self._log_id / 'plots' if subfolder is not None: figure_dir = figure_dir / subfolder if not figure_dir.exists(): figure_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return str(figure_dir / filename)
[docs] def save_J(self, J): """ Save the log of the cumulative discounted reward. """ self._save_pickle(self.get_path(self._file_J), J)
[docs] def load_J(self): """ Returns: The log of the cumulative discounted reward. """ return self._load_pickle(self.get_path(self._file_J))
[docs] def save_R(self, R): """ Save the log of the cumulative reward. """ self._save_pickle(self.get_path(self._file_R), R)
[docs] def load_R(self): """ Returns: The log of the cumulative reward. """ return self._load_pickle(self.get_path(self._file_R))
[docs] def save_V(self, V): """ Save the log of the value function. """ self._save_pickle(self.get_path(self._file_V), V)
[docs] def load_V(self): """ Returns: The log of the value function. """ return self._load_pickle(self.get_path(self._file_V))
[docs] def save_entropy(self, entropy): """ Save the log of the entropy function. """ self._save_pickle(self.get_path(self._file_entropy), entropy)
[docs] def load_entropy(self): """ Returns: The log of the entropy function. """ path = self.get_path(self._file_entropy) if path.exists(): return self._load_pickle(path) else: return None
[docs] def exists_policy_entropy(self): """ Returns: True if the log of the entropy exists, False otherwise. """ return self.get_path(self._file_entropy).exists()
[docs] def exists_value_function(self): """ Returns: True if the log of the value function exists, False otherwise. """ return self.get_path(self._file_V).exists()
[docs] def save_best_agent(self, agent): """ Save the best agent in the respective path. Args: agent (object): the agent to save. """
[docs] def save_last_agent(self, agent): """ Save the last agent in the respective path. Args: agent (object): the agent to save. """
[docs] def exists_best_agent(self): """ Returns: True if the entropy file exists, False otherwise. """ return self.get_path(self._file_best_agent).exists()
[docs] def load_best_agent(self): """ Returns: The best agent. """ return Serializable.load(self.get_path(self._file_best_agent))
[docs] def load_last_agent(self): """ Returns: The last agent. """ return Serializable.load(self.get_path(self._file_last_agent))
[docs] def save_environment_builder(self, env_builder): """ Save the environment builder using the respective path. Args: env_builder (str): the environment builder to save. """ self._save_pickle(self.get_path(self._file_env_builder), env_builder)
[docs] def load_environment_builder(self): """ Returns: The environment builder. """ return self._load_pickle(self.get_path(self._file_env_builder))
[docs] def save_agent_builder(self, agent_builder): """ Save the agent builder using the respective path. Args: agent_builder (str): the agent builder to save. """ self._save_pickle(self.get_path(self._file_agent_builder), agent_builder)
[docs] def load_agent_builder(self): """ Returns: The agent builder. """ return self._load_pickle(self.get_path(self._file_agent_builder))
[docs] def save_config(self, config): """ Save the config file using the respective path. Args: config (str): the config file to save. """ self._save_yaml(self.get_path(self._file_config), config)
[docs] def load_config(self): """ Returns: The config file. """ return self._load_yaml(self.get_path(self._file_config))
[docs] def exists_stats(self): """ Returns: True if the entropy file exists, False otherwise. """ return self.get_path(self._file_stats).exists()
[docs] def save_stats(self, stats): """ Save the statistic file using the respective path. Args: stats (str): the statistics file to save. """ self._save_yaml(self.get_path(self._file_stats), stats)
[docs] def load_stats(self): """ Returns: The statistics file. """ return self._load_yaml(self.get_path(self._file_stats))
[docs] def save_params(self, env, params): """ Save the parameters file. Args: env (str): the environment used; params (str): the parameters file to save. """ file_name = env + '.yaml' primitive_params = dictionary_to_primitive(params) self._save_yaml(self.get_params_path(file_name), primitive_params)
[docs] def save_figure(self, figure, figname, subfolder=None, as_pdf=False, transparent=True): """ Save the figure file using the respective path. Args: figure (object): the figure to save; figname (str): the name of the figure; subfolder (str, None): optional subfolder where to save the figure; as_pdf (bool, False): whether to save the figure in PDF or not; transparent (bool, True): whether the figure should be transparent or not. """ extension = '.pdf' if as_pdf else '.png' figure.savefig(self.get_figure_path(figname + extension, subfolder), transparent=transparent)
@staticmethod def _save_pickle(path, obj): with Path(path).open('wb') as f: pickle.dump(obj, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) @staticmethod def _save_numpy(path, obj): with Path(path).open('wb') as f:, obj) @staticmethod def _save_torch(path, obj):, path) @staticmethod def _save_yaml(path, obj): with'w') as f: yaml.dump(obj, f, version=(1, 2), default_flow_style=False) @staticmethod def _load_pickle(path): with'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f) @staticmethod def _load_numpy(path): with'rb') as f: return np.load(f) @staticmethod def _load_torch(path): return torch.load(path) @staticmethod def _load_yaml(path): with'r') as f: return yaml.safe_load(f)
[docs] @classmethod def from_path(cls, path): """ Method to create a BenchmarkLogger from a path. """ path = Path(path) return cls(path.parent,, False)