Source code for mushroom_rl_benchmark.core.visualizer

import matplotlib
default_backend = matplotlib.rcParams['backend']
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from pathlib import Path
from mushroom_rl.core import Core

from mushroom_rl.utils.plot import plot_mean_conf
from mushroom_rl_benchmark.core.logger import BenchmarkLogger

import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore', category=RuntimeWarning, module='scipy')

[docs] class BenchmarkVisualizer(object): """ Class to handle all visualizations of the experiment. """ plot_counter = 0
[docs] def __init__(self, logger, data=None, has_entropy=None, has_value=None, id=1): """ Constructor. Args:plot_mean_conf logger (BenchmarkLogger): logger to be used; data (dict, None): dictionary with data points for visualization; has_entropy (bool, None): select if entropy is available for the algorithm. """ self.logger = logger = data = id if has_entropy is None: if self.is_data_persisted: self.has_entropy = self.logger.exists_policy_entropy() self.has_value = self.logger.exists_value_function() else: self.has_entropy = 'E' in self.has_value = 'V' in else: self.has_entropy = has_entropy if has_value is None: if self.is_data_persisted: self.has_value = self.logger.exists_value_function() else: self.has_value = 'V' in else: self.has_value = has_value
@property def is_data_persisted(self): """ Check if data was passed as dictionary or should be read from log directory. """ return is None
[docs] def get_J(self): """ Get J from dictionary or log directory. """ if self.is_data_persisted: return self.logger.load_J() else: return['J']
[docs] def get_R(self): """ Get R from dictionary or log directory. """ if self.is_data_persisted: return self.logger.load_R() else: return['R']
[docs] def get_V(self): """ Get V from dictionary or log directory. """ if self.is_data_persisted: return self.logger.load_V() else: return['V']
[docs] def get_entropy(self): """ Get entropy from dictionary or log directory. """ if self.is_data_persisted: return self.logger.load_entropy() else: return['E']
[docs] def get_report(self): """ Create report plot with matplotlib. """ plot_cnt = self.plot_counter self.plot_counter += 1 rows = 100 cols = 20 j_pos, r_pos, q_pos, e_pos = 1, 2, 3, 3 if self.has_value: cols += 10 e_pos += 1 if self.has_entropy: cols += 10 j_pos += rows + cols r_pos += rows + cols q_pos += rows + cols e_pos += rows + cols fig = plt.figure(plot_cnt * 10 +, figsize=(24,6), dpi=80) j_ax = fig.add_subplot(j_pos, ylabel='J', xlabel='epochs') j_ax.grid() plot_mean_conf(self.get_J(), j_ax) r_ax = fig.add_subplot(r_pos, ylabel='R', xlabel='epochs') r_ax.grid() plot_mean_conf(self.get_R(), r_ax) if self.has_value: v_ax = fig.add_subplot(q_pos, ylabel='V', xlabel='epochs') v_ax.grid() plot_mean_conf(self.get_V(), v_ax) if self.has_entropy: e_ax = fig.add_subplot(e_pos, ylabel='policy_entropy', xlabel='epochs') e_ax.grid() plot_mean_conf(self.get_entropy(), e_ax) fig.tight_layout() return fig
[docs] def save_report(self, file_name='report_plot'): """ Method to save an image of a report of the training metrics from a performend experiment. """ fig = self.get_report() self.logger.save_figure(fig, file_name) plt.close(fig)
[docs] def show_report(self): """ Method to show a report of the training metrics from a performend experiment. """ matplotlib.use(default_backend) fig = self.get_report() plt.close(fig)
[docs] def show_agent(self, episodes=5, mdp_render=False): """ Method to run and visualize the best builders in the environment. """ matplotlib.use(default_backend) mdp = self.logger.load_environment_builder().build() if mdp_render: mdp.render() agent = self.logger.load_best_agent() core = Core(agent, mdp) core.evaluate(n_episodes=episodes, render=True)
[docs] @classmethod def from_path(cls, path): """ Method to create a BenchmarkVisualizer from a path. """ path = Path(path) return cls(BenchmarkLogger(path.parent,, False))