Source code for mushroom_rl_benchmark.experiment.slurm.aggregate_results

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from pathlib import Path

from mushroom_rl.core import Logger
from mushroom_rl_benchmark import BenchmarkLogger, BenchmarkVisualizer
from mushroom_rl_benchmark.experiment.slurm import read_arguments_aggregate

[docs] def aggregate_results(res_dir, res_id, console_log_dir=None): """ Function to aggregate the benchmark results from running in SLURM mode. Args: res_dir (str): path to the result directory; res_id (str): log id of the result directory; console_log_dir (str,None): path to be used to log console. """ work_dir = Path(res_dir, res_id) aggregation_name = + '_' + console = Logger(aggregation_name, results_dir=console_log_dir, log_console=console_log_dir is not None) console.strong_line()'Env: {} Alg: {res_id}') # check if results are aggregated dir_name = 'run' run_dirs = list(work_dir.glob('{}_*'.format(dir_name))) has_entropy = (work_dir / f'{dir_name}_0/entropy.pkl').exists()'has entropy: {has_entropy}') has_value = (work_dir / f'{dir_name}_0/V.pkl').exists()'has value function: {has_value}') J = list() R = list() V = list() E = list() best_J = float("-inf") best_stats = None best_agent = None skip_cnt = 0 for run_dir in run_dirs: logger = BenchmarkLogger(log_dir=str(run_dir.parent), log_id=str(, use_timestamp=False) try: J.extend(logger.load_J()) R.extend(logger.load_R()) if has_value: V.extend(logger.load_V()) if has_entropy: E.extend(logger.load_entropy()) if logger.exists_stats(): stats = logger.load_stats() if stats['best_J'] > best_J: best_stats = stats if logger.exists_best_agent(): best_agent = logger.load_best_agent() + " OK") except Exception as e: console.error( + " ERROR") #console.exception(e) skip_cnt += 1 if skip_cnt < len(run_dirs): if skip_cnt > 0: console.warning(f'NUMBER OF FAILED RUNS: {skip_cnt}/{len(run_dirs)}') logger = BenchmarkLogger(log_dir=res_dir, log_id=res_id, use_timestamp=False) logger.save_J(J) logger.save_R(R) if has_value: logger.save_V(V) if has_entropy: logger.save_entropy(E) if best_stats is not None: logger.save_stats(best_stats) if best_agent is not None: logger.save_best_agent(best_agent) visualizer = BenchmarkVisualizer(logger) visualizer.save_report() else: console.error('NO RUN SUCCEEDED')
if __name__ == '__main__': res_dir, res_id = read_arguments_aggregate() aggregate_results(res_dir, res_id)